
General Management and Leadership

The Director General of the Institut Agro, Anne-Lucie Wack, ensures the management of the institution, establishes the organizational framework and functioning, and leads the Institute's strategy, supported by the Executive Board and a team of general management.

The Executive Board of Institut Agro consists of the Director General and the three directors of the Institute's schools.

Anne-Lucie Wack

Anne-Lucie Wack, Director General of the Institut Agro

Romain Jeantet

Romain Jeantet, Interim Dean of
Institut Agro Rennes-Angers

Hélène Poirier

Hélène Poirier, Dean of
Institut Agro Dijon

Carole Sinfort

Carole Sinfort, Dean of
Institut Agro Montpellier

The general management team consists, alongside the Director General, of the three Deans of the schools within the Institute, the 11 other individuals directly reporting to the General Director, and the three general secretaries of the schools:

  • General Secretary of Institut Agro: Bertrand Abraham
  • DG's Cabinet: Delphine Ancien (Chief of Staff), Catherine Prével (Statutory Affairs Officer), Estelle Neurohr (Assistant to the General Director), Mélanie Grané-Caignec (Administrative Manager for Institutional Affairs)
  • General Delegate of the L'Institut Agro Foundation: Agathe Esposito
  • Accountant: Christophe Roullé
  • The four functional directors: Marie-Hélène Tusseau-Vuillemin, Director of Scientific and Partnership Policy; Isabelle Jannot, Director of Strategic Management and Evaluation; Thierry Langouët, Director of the Technical Agricultural Education Support Mission; Typhaine Diouf, Head of Communications.
  • General Secretaries of the schools: Pauline Gomel (Institut Agro Dijon), Laurent Gebel (Institut Agro Montpellier - interim) and Nicolas Rami (Institut Agro Rennes-Angers)

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors of Institut Agro is composed of 38 members:

  • Ex officio members (representatives of the State and local authorities)
  • Appointed members (qualified individuals)
  • Elected members (representatives of staff and students).

Consultative Bodies

The Board of Directors relies on 3 consultative bodies:

  • The Scientific Council
  • The Teachers' Council
  • The Social Committee for Administration.